

I am sure that you want to know more than just my name. I am a lot of things. I am still trying to figure out what I am and what I am not. I believe that we spend all our life in figuring out who we are.

Most I am an observer who is curious to know anything and everything. I lose interest in things as quickly as I develop interests in them. I am a good analyzer. I like to see things from different perspectives.


I enjoy writing and therefore, I use it as a medium of expressing myself. When I write, I feel like I am talking to somebody who happens to be a really good listener. I am an avid reader as well. When I read, I feel like I am a really good listener.

I enjoy studying people and therefore, I enjoy studying psychology. If I could, I would make an artificial world and trap humans in it without their knowledge. I would then observe them all the while. But, that would make me a psychopath; an evil one!

I am not afraid of oblivion as I know that none can be remembered forever. We can only prolong the time until which we’ll be remembered. Therefore, I am neither too fond of fame.

I like to believe that I am a free thinker. I am a self proclaimed philosopher.  I am a 99% atheist and a 1% believer of God. I am not a person who blindly follows the crowd. I happen to have contradictory opinions on several things that many seem to believe. I strongly believe in equality.

I like to stay in control. I would like to say that I am not authoritative but, as a matter of fact, every perfectionist is authoritative. Though, I am not the ‘Steve Jobs’ kind of authoritative; I am the ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ kind of authoritative. In simpler words, I will get into your mind without your knowledge and control you instead of yelling at you to make you do things.

I believe in moments, not achievements. I know to express critical opinions in sweet manner but that does not mean that I will always be sweet. I admire good language and good manners. But, I cannot deny that sarcasm is now the new cool. I can be satirical at times.

Different people see me as a different person and I like it that way. I like being a mystery and I enjoy solving mysteries. Like I said, I am a lot of things. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Carpe Diem.







11 thoughts on “About

  1. So we shared a piece of growing-up in high school and I am so happy to continue that here in the blogosphere. (Too formal?)
    Anyway, great going Adi. I really can relate your writings with the passion you portray in everything you believe. And that has never stopped you, has it?
    I just nominated you for The Liebster Award. Too know more and participate : https://mylostlexicon.wordpress.com/2015/01/28/liebster-nominated-2/

    have fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve found, rather earned, your own space on the Blogosphere. You’re doing really well. You’ve attracted many readers to your blog. That’s BIG. Keep Blogging and growing. 😀
      Thanks for the nomination. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the nomination. 🙂

      Here are my answers to your questions:

      1. Which one suits you best? Yo! or Yo Yo!! ?

      2. Are you a yayy person or whatever person?
      I’m mostly a whatever person.

      3. What is your idea of a flop movie?
      I prefer edutainment over entertainment. I’m fond of everything that’s artistic. A flop movie, for me, is one which is neither artistic nor entertaining.

      4. Bike or car?

      5. Sunny evening, five best friends and what?
      I’m not an alcoholic. I seldom consume alcoholic beverages. Yet, the first thing that popped in my mind on reading this question is beer!

      6. “Game of Thrones”. Yes or No?

      7. You and your only best friend. Walk or movie or other?

      8. Chess or carrom?
      Given my current mood, I’d choose carrom.

      9. How good chef are you?
      I can boil eggs, cook instant noodles and heat milk.

      10. Short and crisp or long and descriptive?
      Long and Descriptive.

      You can read the password protected posts by entering a password that can give you access to such posts. 😛 I’ll make the password protected post a public post soon. For now, it’s off my blog. But do read my recently uploaded blog post. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello aditya! Thank you so much for answering all the questions. it was a pleasure read. I was smiles for answer number 6.

        Yeah. I was actually asking if you have made password for such posts made somewhere avail. sure! 🙂


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